
How Do I Change The State I'm Registered To Vote In


So what is this?

NationStates is a free nation simulation game. You create your ain country, fashioned after your own ideals, and care for its people. Either that or yous deliberately torture them. It's actually up to you.

Is it a serious political matter, or only for fun?

You can play it either way. NationStates does have humorous bent, just that's only because politics is naturally funny.


What do I do?

Outset, create a nation. From there, it depends. About nations concentrate on developing their laws and ideology by answering Issues, which popular up several times a twenty-four hours. Others prefer to engage on the international scene by winning a position of power in Regions, crafting international law in the World Assembly, or discussing various matters in the Forums. Y'all tin can explore or ignore different areas of the world as you lot choose.

How do I win?

Beats the hell out of me. Yous can brand an infinite variety of nations, but no-1 can tell you which are best. Nations do get ranked on many different scales by the bean-counters at the World Census, but being ranked loftier on a scale isn't necessarily a good affair. Is information technology a badge of honor or a mark of shame to reach the top of "Virtually Religious?"

Can I attack other nations?

No. Nations cannot be damaged or destroyed by foreign powers. Yous develop your nation the manner you want, without being forced to take care of the armed forces, or the economy, or annihilation else you don't peculiarly prioritize.

Just I keep hearing about invasions.

Some nations craft battles, trading pacts, and more on their regional boards or in forums such every bit International Incidents. But there's also a type of interregional invasion known as "raiding" or "R/D". This is where organized groups of nations attempt to seize control of regions by moving there en masse and endorsing each other to gain political power. Unlike nations, regions tin can effectively be captured and destroyed. This isn't common, but isn't unheard of, either.


How do I develop my nation?

A few times a mean solar day, y'all'll confront an event and need to decide what to do nigh it. How you respond determines well-nigh everything about how your nation evolves. There'south no micro-management. Yous control your nation's destiny by making broad policy decisions, not tweaking numbers.

I don't concur with any of the options on this upshot!

Dismiss it! This is the equivalent of ignoring an result until people stop talking about information technology. If you were a real authorities, you'd exercise this all the time, of form. Merely it'due south ordinarily more interesting if you take a position.

I merely banned skateboards and my insurance manufacture boomed! Why??

Considering of the mode so many factors can interact, it'due south hard to predict the effects of a conclusion even when you lot know all the variables. Banning skateboards, for case, tin lead to unhappier teenagers, who generate more youth criminal offence, which increases the level of fear among the general populace, which spurs insurance sales.

But why did it modify then much?

The world is realistic but more so. There'southward a logic to how things work, but everything tends to gravitate to the most farthermost outcome, with the largest consequences. Fear non, though: This too means it'due south usually easy to contrary the effects of earlier decisions.

Why am I a Decadent Dictatorship?

Your nation'southward government category is determined by the nerds at the World Census, who classify you according to the corporeality of personal, economical, and political freedom in your nation. Here is a neat visual representation.

How practise I set taxes?

Y'all don't need to bother with such petty details! You're a big picture kind of person. Bureaucrats will automatically conform your taxes as necessary to fund whatever authorities spending you've authorized.

How practice I increase my population?

Your national population grows steadily over time no matter what you do. It but does.

This issue boosted Civil Rights in one nation only not another. What gives?

Issue effects depend on the land of your nation. For example, shutting downwards a paper that'due south critical of your government is just another day at the office for a Psychotic Dictatorship, simply a major policy shift in a nation with a history of protecting the free press. Precipitous ideological changes will exist very visible, only if y'all only reaffirm the status quo, some issue choices will change naught at all.

My nation merely outlawed street racing and was awarded a banner for tyranny! That's a bit extreme, don't you think?

Banners are awarded when nations reach a particular state. If your nation is already very shut to that state, one more than small pace in that direction can become you over the line.

Similarly, blessing a wide-based program tin can qualify your nation for a banner specific to one thing. For example, broadly supporting public spending might cause you to gain a imprint for Education funding, while doing something that'due south good for business in general might trigger a banner for the mining industry.

Isn't this "simulation" biased towards your politics?

Very possibly. Not intentionally, though.

Why can't I set my nation's pretitle, Capital City, Leader, or Religion?

This becomes possible at particular population levels:

  • 250 1000000: Your nation will receive an issue that allows you to set a Uppercase City in some circumstances.

  • 500 million: You tin can write a custom pretitle in your Settings.

  • 750 1000000: The Leader issue.

  • ane billion: The Religion effect.

If you dismiss the consequence, the custom field volition remain locked and y'all volition receive the same issue again at some signal in the future.


Which region should my nation be in?

It depends on what you're looking for. Anyone can create a region for any reason and there are thousands of them. To notice one, you tin can browse the tag cloud, or the world in general. Most regions are looking for new residents, and you lot volition probably receive a small flood of recruitment telegrams soon after your nation is founded.

You brainstorm in one of the Pacific regions (known as feeders): these tend to be large, vibrant, and somewhat spammy. Stay there if you like, or motility somewhere else! You can shift regions whenever and as often as you like.

To change regions, discover one and wait for the link near the pinnacle that says, "Like what yous encounter? Move to (region)!"

Does it affair?

Yep. Your region has its own bulletin lath and its own World Census rankings, so you lot should find somewhere you enjoy the company of your neighbors. And if you get involved in regional politics and the invasion game, information technology matters a lot.

The invasion what?

In a region, the nation with the most endorsements is automatically appointed Delegate. This commonly grants significant powers, including the ability to eject other nations from the region.

One way this tin can work is a region's residents endorse the nation they recall would make the best Delegate, and that nation rules over it with a wise and gentle hand. Another way is that nations make private deals on who to endorse in order to make certain that their ally gets into power. A third style is a agglomeration of nations from outside rush in, endorse each other, and seize the Delegacy in a coup. This one is called "the invasion game" (also "raiding," or "R/D" for raiding/defending).

This whole area is controversial: Some nations exist for the thrill of trying to conquer regions; others retrieve information technology's reprehensible. Either way, it'due south worth knowing that it exists before you start your ain region, or rise to the leadership of an existing i.

Both the invader and defender sides are highly organized, although in that location are enough of smaller-scale conflicts. More information tin can be establish in this forum mail service: "Basics of Military Gameplay."

Who's in accuse of a region?

The person who created a region is known as its Founder. Founders usually accept consummate power over their region, being able to eject other nations, password-protect information technology, institute and cancel Embassies, suppress message board posts, and alter the Globe Factbook Entry (its main description). However, many regions take no Founder, many have inactive Founders, and a few have non-executive Founders, which means the Founder has relinquished power. In these cases, the nation in charge is the Delegate.

The region's Delegate is the nation with the most World Associates endorsements. It normally has the exact same powers as Founder, merely a Founder can strip the Delegate position of ability (by making it non-executive), while the opposite is not true. For this reason, a region with an active Founder is effectively immune to serious invasion.

Founders tin can administrate their region as they see fit, but Delegates must spend "influence" in lodge to perform some actions. This limits the ability of invader Delegates.

What is regional influence?

Information technology'due south a measure of how well-respected a nation is in its region. Nations earn influence in a region the longer they remain there and the more endorsements they have. When a nation leaves, its influence in that region begins to decline.

The more influence a nation has, the more influence the Delegate requires to eject information technology from the region.

My region'due south WA Delegate is an evil dictator who abuses her power! Brand her finish!

Delegates are elected: If y'all don't like yours, it'southward up to you to get that nation unelected! Delegates are free to use and abuse their power equally they run across fit.

The World Assembly

What's the World Assembly?

The World Assembly is the world'south governing trunk. It's your run a risk to mold the globe to your vision, by voting for resolutions yous like and scuttling the rest. However, it'southward a double-edged sword, because your nation will exist afflicted by any resolutions that laissez passer. (Unfortunately you tin can't obey the resolutions yous like and ignore the rest.) In other words, it's a hot-bed of political intrigue and double-dealing.

Your nation can join the WA, but it'southward not compulsory. If y'all remain outside, you're unaffected by its decisions. If you're ready to mix information technology upwards in international politics, though, the WA is for you.

At that place are ii main benefits to WA membership: yous can vote on resolutions, and you can give and receive endorsements to and from other nations in your region, which detemines who is Delegate.

Y'all mean like the United Nations?

Funny y'all should say!

What's the do good of beingness Regional Delegate?

Except in regions where the Founder has stripped the position of executive powers, a Consul tin can alter the World Factbook Entry, set a password, eject other nations, suppress bulletin lath posts, establish and cancel regional Embassies, and more. Some Delegates use this power to keep the region safe and orderly; others practice it to cement their grip on power. And some, it's a trivial of both.

A Delegate also represents the region earlier the World Assembly. She can review upcoming proposals for legislation and promote those she approves. When legislation reaches the resolution voting floor, she wields additional voting power over regular WA members: 1 extra vote for each endorsement. Delegates of large regions therefore accept considerable influence over whether resolutions pass or fail.

A nation must have at least ane endorsement to be elected Regional Consul.

I'm a WA member! What should I exercise?

Endorse some other WA members in your region, as a mode to point you like their policies, or their cool flag, or their willingness to endorse you dorsum, or any. The nation with the nigh endorsements is elected Regional Delegate: you lot can support the incumbent or push for change.

Be aware that some Delegates are more democratic than others. Some will happily allow a fair ballot; others volition ruthlessly eject anyone they consider a political threat. Dictatorial Delegates must be overthrown past building opposition in stealth.

You tin too contribute to NationStates international law! The World Assembly has two Councils, the General Assembly and the Security Council, which each propose and pass resolutions. You may vote for or against any resolution at vote. Depending on how ardent you feel, yous can besides debate the issue in the WA forums, and discuss which stance your Delegate should accept on your Regional Message Board.

How practice I endorse another nation?

You lot can only endorse another nation if:

  • You are both members of the Earth Associates
  • You are both in the aforementioned region

If this is true, the other nation will have an "Endorse [Nation Name]" button in its World Assembly section.

I have more than than 1 nation. Can they all join the WA?

No. While you can accept equally many nations as you like, but one may be a World Associates fellow member at a time.

What if I sneak them in?

First, please don't. This is against the rules, and considered cheating. Sophisticated pattern-matching software constantly scans for suspicious beliefs and will expel nations from the World Assembly that it determines are likely to exist cheats (known as "WA multies"). Repeat or big-calibration offenders are deleted.

I but have one WA nation but my brother has one and he sometimes uses this calculator.

Unfortunately that'southward asking for trouble. We attempt to place WA cheats accurately, but we have no mode of telling exactly whose fingers are touching the keyboard at any given time. So unfortunately if you lot don't desire to run the risk of existence ejected from the WA (or worse), you shouldn't let anyone else operate WA nations from your calculator, either.

Sharing a network or IP accost is ordinarily fine. The game does not rely on whatever single method of identifying WA cheats, just combines information from many dissimilar methods to summate the likelihood that multiple WA nations are operated by the aforementioned person.

What's the difference betwixt the General Assembly and the Security Council?

The General Assembly is concerned with passing international law: resolutions to improve man rights, ecology standards, and the like. They have an firsthand and material effect on all WA fellow member nations, and can change your laws and category. For example, if you lot are a protectionist nation, and the WA passes a resolution promoting gratuitous merchandise, you may find your nation condign abruptly more than backer.

Broadly speaking, the General Assembly does not business organization itself with individual nations or regions, but humanity as a whole. It has a vibrant office-playing community in the Full general Assembly forum, which debates and drafts legislation.

The Security Council, on the other hand, is very much near specifics. It passes resolutions that Condemn or Commend detail nations or regions, and authorizes Liberations, by removing a Delegate'south authority to gear up a regional password (commonly to restore order following its capture by invaders). Compared to the General Assembly, it is more concerned with gameplay (regional politics, invasions) than role-playing.

Both Councils role similarly in that they accept proposals, which enter the voting floor to be voted on as resolutions. Each Quango may have a resolution at vote at the aforementioned time.

Tin can I advise a World Associates resolution?

Yes, in one case you take at least two endorsements, you tin likewise advise resolutions. If approved by enough Delegates, your proposal will be voted on by the entire Globe Associates, and if passed, volition become international law.

Over time, the WA has developed a significant body of protocol governing proposals. To maximize your chance of success, yous should familiarize yourself with it. Y'all can notice out more in the WA forums.

Whether a proposal reaches the voting floor is determined by the Delegates. If at least 6% of all Delegates approve information technology, it is said to have attained quorum, and volition enter the resolution voting floor at the next opportunity. If it fails to get together plenty approvals, information technology will be dropped.

Getting a resolution upwards is no easy business, and usually requires support from many fundamental players (especially Delegates of large regions who are active in the WA).

Why don't my proposals ever brand information technology to resolutions?

The WA takes itself seriously and will not approve proposals it sees as inappropriate. There are two mutual mistakes inexperienced contributors make:

  • Non reading the relevant rules for General Associates Proposals or Security Council Proposals.
  • Proposing something beyond the scope of the WA'south authority. For instance, proposals cannot alter the rules or mechanics of the game itself, nor ask for new features. They should non reference events, people, or things in the "real earth" that do non exist in NationStates.

The best path to success is to get involved in the forums: the General Assembly forum or the the Security Council forum. In that location you can meet central players, suggest your idea as a draft, gather feedback, and build support even before your proposal hits the queue.

How do I approve a proposal?

Yous must be a Regional Delegate. If you are, then you will have an option to approve proposals when y'all view the list. By allowing unapproved proposals to autumn by the wayside, Regional Delegates make sure that the WA simply votes on worthy problems.

Tin I brand a resolution to add state of war to the game?

No. Well, you can, but I'yard nonetheless not going to add together war. The WA is not there to request new game features. I admit this would exist prissy: propose a change, vote information technology through, and BAM! The game gets better. But then, I would accept to make the BAM! function happen. Information technology would require me to spend so much time rewriting game lawmaking that I wouldn't be able to pursue my existent passion, which is earning plenty coin to buy nutrient, and staying sane.

WA resolutions are a way to bring all fellow member nations into line on a detail upshot; exist that environmental, democratic, gratuitous trade, or any. Don't suggest game improvements there. They just ataxia upwardly the place. And they brand people call up, "Hey, yeah, that would be cool! Why doesn't Max Barry get off his donkey and practise that?"

Trading Cards

How do I earn cards?

Each time you answer an effect, you have a chance of receiving a new pack. Each pack contains 5 randomly chosen cards.

What practice I practice with them?

Cards are cosmetic. They grant no benefits other than the warm fuzzy feeling of owning them.

How do I merchandise them?

You lot can:

  • Junk a card by exchanging it for a small amount of banking concern. Click the flag area of the carte to reveal the "Junk" button.

  • Souvenir a bill of fare to another nation by paying a small amount of bank as a transfer fee.

  • Sell a bill of fare by offer it on the open up market place.

  • Buy a carte by bidding for information technology on the open market.

How do I become more bank?

The are but two means to larn banking company: junk cards or sell them.

How do auctions work?

Cards are bought and sold in the NationStates Timed Double Auction.

In a Double Sale, buyers and sellers make offers at the same time. A Timed Auction means that when a buyer and seller friction match, the merchandise isn't conducted instantly; instead, there is a countdown, during which other parties can beat the offers.

The auction arrangement is designed to force trading at truthful market prices, reducing the power of puppet nations to feed valuable cards to their masters.

Auction Rules
  1. For a trade to occur, a bid must equal or exceed an request price. When this happens, the buyer and seller are matched.

  2. Upon matching, a lx-minute countdown begins. At its decease, all matches will be executed. This means the card volition be sold at its lucifer price, which is calculated as the midpoint of the matched bid and ask. For instance, a matched ask of 0.20 and bid of will be traded at a match cost of 0.25.

  3. During the countdown, other nations tin continue to submit bids and asks, potentially changing matches. If a lucifer changes, one minute is added to the inaugural.

  4. If there are multiple potentially matching prices, the match will go to the higher bid or lower ask. For case, with an request price of 0.fifty and two bids of 0.sixty and 1.00, the higher bid (one.00) will lucifer. The lower bid won't match even though it too exceeds the seller'due south request price.

  5. If multiple bids/asks are fabricated at the same price, the earliest is preferred.

  6. If there are multiple matching prices on both sides—both asks and bids—there will be multiple matches, with higher matching bids paired with college matching asks. When the countdown expires, multiple copies of the card will exist traded at in one case.

  7. Bids and asks cannot be withdrawn while they are matched.

Some notable quirks:

  • Considering the match price is the midpoint of the bid and the ask, buyers will normally pay less than their bid, and sellers will usually receive more than their ask.

  • If y'all submit multiple bids/asks on the same bill of fare, you lot could buy/sell multiple copies of it.

  • It'southward impossible to beat an ask of 0.01, since that'due south the minimum price, and earlier offers beat later ones.

  • When at that place are multiple matches, they'll resolve at the aforementioned fourth dimension but unremarkably not the same price. Each match has its ain lucifer cost.

  • Yous can't reliably capture a specific bid or ask, so bid/ask what you actually want or else take chances existence caught out. For example, if you lot meet a high bid on a card, you may be tempted to submit a low inquire for it, in order to friction match. Just other offers may and then arrive, causing your match to switch to a dissimilar, lower applicant.

Tin can I stop receiving cards?

Yes, you can opt-out of trading cards in your Settings.

What happens to its carte if a nation ceases to exist?

Nothing. The cards don't get anywhere.

What happens if my nation ceases to exist?

If your nation ceases to exist and you lot don't restore it, then eventually your bank and any cards you have nerveless will be deleted.


Why exercise you want my electronic mail accost?

And so you can recover your password, should you forget it. You can also elect to be notified if your nation is about to be deleted for inactivity. And if yous join the World Assembly, yous take to verify your e-mail accost in order to enforce a one-WA-nation-per-player rule. That's information technology. No spam from usa.

Something's non working—what should I do?

Bug reports go in the Technical Forum. If yous take a question, yous can mail service information technology in that location, although please do endeavor searching showtime.

I'chiliad not receiving any new issues!

Nations tin hold a maximum of five issues. Dismiss or deal with some first, and new ones will begin flowing in.

I didn't receive my WA electronic mail from NationStates!

Offset, check your nation settings and make sure that you take entered an east-mail accost, and that the address is right. If it is, your eastward-mail is probably existence blocked by an anti-spam filter. This might be something in your e-mail client, simply more probable is a programme running on your Internet service provider'south server. Anti-spam filters aren't perfect, and and then sometimes block e-mail from NationStates. Unfortunately at that place'south not much you or I can do well-nigh this.

I'm going on vacation—what should I do?

In your nation'southward Settings, check the box marked "Vacation Mode" and click "Update Settings". This will stop your nation from receiving new issues and grant it a longer grace period earlier it gets deleted for inactivity: lx days.

How do I delete my nation?

You tin can't. I decided it's better to have people upset because they tin't start over with the aforementioned nation name than people upset considering their nations got accidentally deleted. If y'all don't log into your nation, it volition be deleted automatically in 28 days.

My nation disappeared!

Kickoff, make sure you're using the right name: "mynation" and not "the commonwealth of mynation", for case.

Although inactive nations cease to exist after 28 days, you tin can restore them via the login folio.

If you're looking for data on an ex-nation, try the Boneyard.

How do I utilize formatting in my telegrams and posts?

You tin use some BBCode-style tags to amend the wait of your telegrams, Regional Message Board posts, and (if yous command a region) your regional World Factbook Entry. These are:

The following tags work in Regional World Factbook Entries, merely not telegrams or Regional Message Board posts:

  • Links: [url=]Hello[/url] becomes: Hello
  • Colors: [color=blue]Hi[/color] becomes: Hello
  • Horizontal lines: [60 minutes] becomes a line

How do I send a telegram to many nations at once?

Go to your Telegrams page and click Compose New Telegram. In the "To:" box, enter a list of nation names, separating them with commas.

You can also address telegrams to a region or special group. A telegram sent to region: Lazarus, for case, volition be delivered to all nations in the region Lazarus. A telegram sent to tag: delegates will reach all World Associates Delegates.

A telegram sent to more than one recipient is a Mass TG.

There are three ways to send a Mass TG:

  1. Enter a list of comma-separated names (e.k. "Testlandia, Sirocco, SalusaSecondus").
  2. Address your telegram to an entire region or special grouping (e.1000. "region: The Pacific" or "tag: new5000").
  3. Write a script or plan to interface with the Telegrams API for automated simply rate-limited delivery.

Telegrams with over 8 recipients crave one stamp per recipient. (An exception is letters sent by a Delegate, Founder, or Regional Officeholder with Communications authority to their own region, which require no stamps.)

If y'all desire to reach a large number of nations without ownership stamps, you can send the same message over and over, addressing information technology to eight or fewer nations at a fourth dimension. This is more time-consuming, simply less money-consuming. Please use a Telegram Template, which makes the process faster, less error-prone, and provides Delivery Reports. To exercise this, first register a template by sending your telegram to "tag:template" and use the special code it gives you lot to transport copies to other nations.

What are Telegram Stamps?

Stamps are purchased from the NationStates Shop and required for telegrams addressed to more than 8 receipients at one time.

Stamps are refunded for whatsoever letters that never attain the recipient. (Because the recipient has blocked recruitment telegrams, for example). You can see any such refunds in your Stamp History.

What are the differences between Mass Telegrams and regular telegrams?

The differences are:

  • Mass TGs include Delivery Reports, and so y'all can tell exactly who received the TG and who didn't. These are viewable in your Sent Items.
  • Similarly, when used for recruitment, Mass TGs include Recruitment Reports, which track who clicks a link from your telegram to your region and later on move there:
  • Mass TGs support personalization via the macro %NATION%, which, when used in the body of a message, expands into the proper noun of the nation reading information technology.
  • Mass TGs can achieve large numbers of nations quickly and easily. For instance, yous can telegram all current Globe Assembly Delegates with "To: tag:delegates". You can too transport telegrams to nations that don't exist nevertheless, using "To: tag:new" or "tag:refounded", and nations will receive a re-create of your bulletin equally they qualify for it (i.east. as they are created or refounded). With the exception of Delegates and Founders sending a TG to their own region, this functionality requires the purchase of Telegram Stamps. For a full list of bachelor tags, open up advanced telegram addressing past clicking the "" button beside the "To:" box when composing a new telegram.

What are the rules on sending telegrams?

Generally, you tin send telegrams as oft as you lot similar. The game has inbuilt "flood" control and may deadening you lot down if you attempt to send a lot in a hurry—and, of course, you should stay within site etiquette rules and avoid spamming people with messages of trivial relevance.

Advanced users should be aware of a few more rules:

  1. A telegram that encourages the recipient to move regions is a recruitment telegram, and must be marked past checking the appropriate box before clicking Ship. (The checkbox tin be exposed by clicking the "" beside the "To:" box.)
  2. Similarly, a telegram that encourages nations to vote on a Globe Assembly resolution or proposal must exist marked as a campaign telegram.
  3. Scripts, bots, and browser tools must abide by site Script Rules. All automated telegram-sending must be done via the NationStates API.

What special groups can exist reached using Telegram Stamps?

You can address a telegram to:

  • region: <Proper noun> to send a TG to all residents of a region. (As well bachelor without the need for Telegram Stamps to the region's Founder, Delegate, and authorized Officers.)
  • tag: New<Number> will queue a Telegram for attempted delivery to the next <Number> newly created nations. Exist enlightened, withal, that new nations are telegrammed very quickly past very many region recruiters. In order to reduce spam, the system throttles recruitment messages so that nations only receive a few at a time; additionally, new nations have a limited amount of space in their Inbox. This ways that many recruitment telegrams wired to new nations volition arrive late or not at all—and swallow Telegram Stamps even so. There is no special priority for recruitment Telegrams based on how chop-chop or past which method they are sent: All recruitment Telegrams enter the same queue and go out it in random order.
  • tag: Refounded<Number> will queue a Telegram for attempted commitment to the next <Number> of nations who are refounded (i.e. restored past their possessor subsequently previously ceasing to exist due to inactivity).
  • tag: NewDelegates<Number> will queue a Telegram for attempted delivery to the next <Number> of nations who become Earth Assembly Delegate for their region.
  • tag: Delegates volition send a TG to all current World Assembly Delegates
  • tag: WA volition reach all Earth Assembly member nations
  • tag: All will ship a Telegram to all nations. (Please be aware of site rules!)
  • tag: Welcome tin be used by Regional Delegates and Founders to fix an automated greeting to new arrivals in their region. This requires no telegram stamps! Delegates/Founders can find the appropriate control on their Region Command folio. A region can just have 1 Welcome Telegram active at a time, and it will be canceled if the sender loses power in the region.

Filter by Exclusion: Yous tin can target your message more finely past excluding some recipients with -. This filters out whatsoever recipients who encounter the criteria. Examples:

  • region:Lazarus, -nation:Testlandia: Send to all residents of Lazarus except Testlandia.
  • region:Lazarus, -tag:WA: Send to all non-WA nations residents of Lazarus.
  • tag:All, -region:The Pacific, tag:Delegates: Transport to all nations in the world except residents of the Pacific, besides as all WA Delegates.

Filter by Inclusion: Similarly, you can require sure recipients with +. This filters out any recipients who don't encounter the criteria. Examples:

  • region:Lazarus, +tag:WA: Ship to all WA member residents of Lazarus.
  • region:Lazarus, region:The Pacific, +tag:delegates: Send to Delegates of Lazarus and the Pacific.

Recipients are candy in left-to-correct order. This means that filters but apply to recipients listed to their left. For instance, a message addressed to -tag:WA, tag:All volition exist sent to the entire world, because the filter is processed outset (and does aught), and then the global listing of nations is added.

When filtering specific nations, you must use the format -nation:<Nation> . Yous cannot simply prepend the minus sign to the nation name alone.

Filters work on messages addressed to future nations, too. For case, you can send a bulletin to tag:new5000, -region:The Pacific, which will exist sent to new nations who are founded anywhere except in The Pacific, or tag:new5000, +region:The Pacific to accomplish only those nations who are founded in The Pacific.

How successful are recruitment telegrams?

Sadly (for recruiters), the not bad majority of recruitment telegrams are ignored, blocked, or never read. In general, you lot should wait:

  • 10-20% of your telegrams to be blocked by spam filters.
  • 0-1% of your telegrams to convince a nation to move to your region.

These numbers vary by region: Feeders and Sinkers have more inactive nations, and they are targeted more often past recruiters. Newly created and refounded nations are guaranteed to exist active, just are targeted by recruiters even more frequently.

Note that telegrams tin can exist delivered only and so deleted before the recipient e'er sees them, due to express space in their inbox. This is especially the instance for recruitment telegrams sent to new nations, who oft receive more than messages than their inboxes can concur, with newer letters pushing out older ones.

Someone has taken control of my nation!

It is against the rules to hijack someone else'due south nation, and if we see someone do it, we'll ban them. If we don't see it happen, though, and someone changes your password and email accost, I'm agape you're on your own. Equally far every bit the game is concerned, your government has been overthrown in a insurrection.

To prevent people accessing your nation, plough off motorcar-login in your Settings if you lot use a public computer. You lot should likewise choose a password that is not hands guessable.

I'm a instructor; can I use NationStates in my grade?

Yes, some schools are doing very neat things with NationStates. If y'all're interested in using this site in an educational environs, please see the NationStates for Educators page.

How do I get a custom nation type?

Nations with populations over 500 1000000 can write their own pretitle. Others, however, must choose from the drop-downward menu.


It'southward free speech, and so I can mail service whatever I like here, right?

Ahahahaha! Hahaha! Complimentary speech communication! No, information technology's non. I run this web site, see, so you have to play by my rules. It's like my own Male parent Knows All-time state.

What can I mail service?

Y'all tin discuss and argue about almost anything, so long as it'southward vaguely relevant to politics or NationStates and doesn't fall into whatsoever of the categories below. You don't take to be politically correct, merely you must maintain a minimum standard of behavior.

What can't I post?

Whatsoever content that is:

  • obscene
  • illegal
  • threatening
  • malicious
  • defamatory
  • spam

This applies to your nation's proper name, motto, and other customizable fields, any letters y'all write, images you mail service, or any other content yous upload or link to NationStates. If you do, your nation will be deleted. See the site's Terms & Conditions and One Stop Rules Shop for details.

As well prohibited is the practice of "griefing." Griefing is playing with the main aim of annoying or upsetting other people. If y'all practice this, the game moderators may take action against yous.

Does that apply to my nation's flag?

You betcha. In fact, we're much stricter on nation flags than we are on forum posts, because they're not open for challenge and argue. If you want to brand a political point, it's all-time you lot use the forum, where other people take the right of reply. If you employ your flag, you run the risk of having it removed if we make up one's mind it breaks site rules almost content and behavior.

I got into an argument with this idiot in the forums, and I got deleted and he didn't! How come you allow pro-Catholic argument, only when someone tries to tell the TRUE story of the coming of Christ—

Okay, allow me stop yous in that location. Information technology might look equally if you are being persecuted for your political views, but what most likely happened is you made a personal attack and your opponent didn't. No matter what the bailiwick thing, if you don't conduct yourself in accordance with the rules of etiquette, you will get into trouble with the moderators. The best style to go your points across in the forums is to remain at-home and respect other people's right to disagree with you.

Another player posted something offensive!

People get offended at unlike things, and so first make sure information technology falls into one of the above categories. If it does, please report it to the game moderators using the Getting Help page, or if it'due south in the forums, to the Moderation forum.

Because our moderators are players who have volunteered to assistance out of the goodness of their hearts, please deal with lesser disputes without involving them. For example, if someone in your region is abrasive y'all, your region's Founder or WA Delegate can squirt them.

Can I steal some other thespian's nation?

No. This is fraudulent behavior and breaches the site'southward terms & conditions. The same applies to any attempt to impersonate some other player, including attempting to hack nation or region passwords.

Can I invade other people's regions?

Yeah. Come across: Regions.

Tin I accept multiple nations?

Yes, just just one tin can exist a World Assembly member at any ane time.

Where can I find out more than about the rules?

While this FAQ (and the Terms & Weather condition of Use) cover all of the rules at a high level, you can find more detail than you probably always want to know in the One-Stop Rules Shop on the forums.

You lot may also wish to read our Privacy Policy.


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